thesilence.org was launched in 2007 with a showcase at the Sonic Arts Expo and a pilot study in Boulder, Colorado. It enables you to capture and share your sonic experiences. You can record and collect sounds, create and share soundwalks and soundscapes, and use them as conversation pieces of a social dialogue about the places and communities in which we live and that we share. The result is an affective geography that changes over time according to participants’ perceptions and interpretations of their environmental settings.
Silence of Lands as a sociotechnical architecture
Silence of the Lands is a sociotechnical architecture. It combines multiple interaction spaces and social practices by means of locative media and tangible social interfaces. Goal of the sociotechnical architecture is to engage participants from local communities in the recording and mapping of their own, experienced soundscapes and in the collaborative construction of an ideal soundscape of natural quiet.
- PDA Application: Collecting ambient sounds in the natural environment
- Web Interface: Managing your soundscapes in the web community
- Tangible Social Interface: Creating a virtual soundscape in the public space