Images from Various L3D System-Building Efforts (click to enlarge)
We have had various research projects researching and applying different theoretical frameworks in socio-technical systems that focus on supporting people in various settings ranging from participation in community design to understanding their  own electrical energy consumption.

Projects tend to represent longer-term efforts spanning multiple system-building efforts. 

More Recent System-Building Efforts

An agent-based spreadsheet environment for creating SimCityTM-like interactive simulations, domain-oriented visual programming languages, infobost, personalized web browsers and games
CoVE (A CLever System)
Cognitive Virtual Environments: exploring the possibilities in using virtual reality to help people with cognitive disabilities.
A Socio‐Technical System to Foster and Support Cultures of Participation that Help to Change Energy Consumption Behaviors
HyperGami and JavaGami (Craft Lab Projects)
Solid Geometry at Play – A CAD System for Paper Sculpture
Lifeline (A CLever System)
A tool for caregivers to support remote clients who are using wireless prompting systems. This tool is closely linked to the Mobility for All and MAPS project.
livingOM (An enTWIne System)
The livingOM is a shared information space that supports creative work within a community of users.
MAPS (A CLever System)
MAPS (Memory Aiding Prompting System) is a prompting system for the cognitively disabled: multimodal, adaptive prompting on a PDA platform, appropriate and useable tools for creating, maintaining, and sharing prompting scripts, with an aim to create collaborative community around its use.
Mobility for All (A CLever System)
A Socio-Technical Design of Human-Centered Public Transportation Systems
Silence of the Lands (An enTWIne System)
The Silence of the Lands enables participants to annotate and map the soundscape of urban and natural environments.

Earlier Research Projects

Chart ‘n Art
The Learnable Programmable Drawing Tool
A Substrate for Dynamic, Evolvable and Integrated Web-based Information Spaces
Group Interactive Memory Manager
A Programming, Simulation and Manipulation Environment for the MIT Programmable Brick
Mr. Roger’s Sustainable Neighborhood
The World Wide Web + Interactive Simulation Games for Community Education
QueryLens (A CLever Project)
QueryLens is an environment that enables integration
of intuitive interaction methods of ubiquitous information
appliances and flexibility of mobile databases.
SPIDER (A CLever Project)
SPIDER (Sharing Pertinent Information in Dynamically Evolving Repositories) is a framwork built on top of the BEA WebLogic suite of application servers. It is a specialized framework for developing web-based groupware applications.
State the Essence
Software to help you improve your summarization skills.
The Electronic Cocktail Napkin
The Electronic Cocktail Napkin is an experimental computer-based environment for sketching and diagramming in conceptual design. The project’s goal is to develop a computational drawing environment to support conceptual designing in a way that leads smoothly from diagrams to more formal and structured representations of schematic design.
Web2gether (A CLever Project)
A system that helps teachers and parents share their experiences.
A Personal and Team Guide to the Web
proNet/Network DE
A proactive Design Environment for Local Area Network Designers
The World Wide Web + Interactive Simulation Games for Learning
Voice Dialog Design Environment (VDDE)
Supporting the creation of telephony voice dialogs
Integration Construction and Argument for Kitchen Design
A cooperative problem-solving system for user interface design
Exploring query by reformulation
Lisp Critic
A prototype of an Intelligent support system for incremental learning of a system and learning strategies such as learning on demand.