Symposium: “Exploring Fundamental Transformations of Learning and Discovery in Cultures of Participation”
Exploring Fundamental Transformations of Learning and Discovery in Cultures of Participation The purpose of this symposium is to discuss our advancements within NSF grant 1028017. You can download the entire project proposal here: CDI-2010-FullProposal, as well as supplemental information on research design and the after-school program discussed in the proposal here: Additional-Info-ResearchDesign. Schedule Gerhard’s Slides Jason’s…
Welcome to the new L3D Website!
We hope that you like what we’ve done with the place! We’ve moved over to a WordPress blog as we feel it will better meet our needs of integrating with existing data sources, allow for better community interactivity, and provide a platform that will enable us to frequently post updates as to what we’re working…