A model of reflective learning based on the work of Boud et al., 1985 (Reflection: Turning experience into learning) will be introduced. It serves as a starting point to differentiate triggers which initiate reflective learning at the work place, and to differentiate the material to which the reflection can refer to. A process model will be introduced which outlines how individual and collaborative reflection are intertwined. Several relevant roles and situations can be detected and substantiated on the basis of case studies in the health care sector. Typical subjects of reflection are situations where caregivers deal with challenging behavior of residents in a nursing home or where doctors conduct talks with relatives of patients. The process model can further be used to explore the characteristics of several web based applications which support collaborative reflection at work.
Bio: Thomas Herrmann is a professor of Information and Technology Management at the Institute of Applied Work Science (IAW), University of Bochum, Germany since 2004, and a fellow of the Electrical Engineering Department. Current research interests include design methods for socio-technical systems in the areas of knowledge management, (work-)process management, computer supported collaborative learning, and concepts of social software for innovation support and collaborative learning.